Outcomes of examination always comes to students in different kinds and manners it is very important to consider and discuss the ways the students receive these experiences and the ways it influences their psychological performance and personality.

  The academic achievement and inspiration of students also come from their satisfaction of the outcomes of their efforts in the process of the learning that is if one believes that he or she is doing well in a course of study according to the results obtained on a long run. 

Education has a lot of advantageous benefits but also is saddled with some underlying causes which are above the control of the educators, and the managerial bodies of academic institutions. Students during their study may be experiencing some unforeseen circumstances which impair the lessons taught and lack of adequate preparation from the students can lead to failure in an examination, also the student may have prepared adequately but as a result of other situations above the controls of (The student, educators, exam makers, and the institutional managements control) on the day of the exams may still fail to lead to the students effort being laid to waste.

On the day of an examination, a student may fall a little bit sick-making such a student be psychologically unfit to the levels at which he or she may have prepared for the exams to be able to do very well for the examination, in some cases this student may be experiencing dizziness as a result of medications taken or even fainting due to biological imbalances within.

  Some CBT examinations have also been an effective solution to the conduct of examination in Nigeria today but its modus operandi whenever distorted can also lead to students getting destabilized and when the result is marked and released, students were surprised with a grade which they believed arose as a result of the distortion during the conduct of the examination. This distortion can be a glitch in the electricity and the electronic devices used or the internet connection glitches.

These experiences and a lot more as observed from the testimonies of students from the Department of Medicine in the University of Ilorin, coupled with so many other students, the students mostly come with high motivation and aspirations from their 100level to do so well and to be able to cross into 200level with the CGPA of 3.0 and above as required by the Department, have complained about how disappointed they were in discovering that their effort yielded no positive outcomes in their grade also affecting their GPA or CGPA in general, some students may be moved to another department or even may have to face tanke. Now the management, instructors or the examiner, and the makers will have their own opinions which will lead to diverse strong grounds of disagreement, but none can not say how many positive results may come out whenever a panel to scrutinize the issue is set up except on the occasion which is rear when there are strong clues as to the disagreed causes of the bad result.

  The reaction of students as a result of this varies depending on their personalities or their psychological nature and how they perceive themselves. Some students begin to challenge their study patterns and make proper adjustments to improve in their educational success whereas in other individuals, they become confused and feel less of a person because they can not perform satisfactorily could it be that they are intellectually poor? This type of thought makes such a student display low self-esteem.

  Some other student-developed less interest in education as this makes them feel less of a person and you see such students investing much of their time in the university to involve in other activities that interest their personality while others drop out of the university systems and they go into vocational education instead where they learn without being accessed.

  This reaction of some student leads to more failure in the academic system because they become so demotivated and unconcerned about the course of study. This most occur with students who were either forced by their parent into undertaking a course which they have no interest in and those whose institutions changed their course of study due to some educational reasons. This is also another problem faced with the educational programs of the undergraduate students of Nigeria.

One other bigger problem that erupt from these challenges faced as a result of these problems facing educational programs in Nigeria is that which leads students to commit suicide due to psychological imbalances as a result of the disappointment arising from the outcome of their results. Many students have their minds set on an expectation and these grades are expected when not met, they become so traumatic and they feel the need to end it.

   In conclusion, these problems many times when a student faces them and they do not find any useful help or they find no satisfaction from the help rendered can eventually lead to a reduced academic inspirational motivation in the undergraduate students in universities generally. 

It is very important if students to be aware that some challenges can be faced with in their aspirations to graduating with a good CGPA or good results generally, and that these challenges may not be within their control or mean that they are not academically, intellectually sound instead they should do their very best and understand that they may be issues that are not their fault. This should not be the reason to become unserious or develop psychological issues. Instead, they should feel free to seek the assistance of a counselor. Because this is where the counselor's discussion and conversation help to redirect the direction of your opinion and the way forward.

  The relationship between the counselor and the student should be able to make the student see possible reasons why the grade does not mean that the student is a failure and probably show the student things to do to escape and not to be a victim of the problems face in the educational programs. Thanks for reading……….

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